Assignment 4 - Printable Interface

Table of contents

  1. Lab Goals:
  2. Final Result:
  3. Instructions
  4. Grading

Lab Goals:

  1. Practise using interfaces.
  2. Practise using predicate-based interfaces.
  3. Create a callback interface.
  4. Create Abstract Classes.

Final Result:

You will be submitting a git repository with the following naming convention, 4-printable-interface-<your-github-username>, (i.e., 4-filter-interface-Ygilany). The repository contains:

  1. one Java Project with the following files:
    • (interface file)
    • (abstract class)
    • (inherits from Shape)
    • (inherits from Shape)
    • (implements Printable)
    • (has a main method)
  2. a modified file that includes your self-assessment


  1. Create an interface as follows.
     public interface Printable {
       void printToConsole(Object x);
       void printToFile(Object x);
  2. Create a simple BankAccount class that implements the Printable interface. a. You mush implement the printToConsole() method.
Bank Account  
 double balance; 
 String accountNumber; 
 ConstructorSets all properties
 GettersYes, No setters.
 public void deposit(double amount) 
 public void withdraw(double amount) 
  1. Create a simple abstract class Shape that implements the Printable interface.
  2. Create a Circle class that extends the Shape class.
    • You must implement all the Shape methods.
    • You mush implement the printToConsole() method.
    • (For 1 Extra Point) implement the printToFile() method
  3. Create a Rectangle class that extends the Shape class.
    • You must implement all the Shape methods.
    • You mush implement the printToConsole() method.
    • (For the same 1 Extra Point) implement the printToFile() method

  1. In the, create at least 1 instance of each instantiatable class.
  2. Add all objects to an ArrayList<...>. What type of ArrayList should this be?
  3. Loop over all the objects and call the printToConsole method.
  4. (For 4 Extra Points)
    • Copy the Filter interface from the lab.
    • Create a LargeShapesFilter class that implements the Filter interface. Modify the accept implementation so it accepts any shape with an area of 50 units and above.
    • in the ApplicationRunner, make sure you have multiple shapes of different sizes, filter out all the large ones and print them to console.
  5. Used Junit to test the getters, deposit and withdraw methods of the BankAccount class.


  1. The program runs with no errors.
  2. Created and defined the Interface file.
  3. The BankAccount class includes all the fields and methods specified above.
  4. The BankAccount class properly implements the Printable interface.
  5. Used Junit to test the getters, deposit and withdraw methods of the BankAccount class.
  6. (For 1 Extra Point) implement the printToFile() method for (BankAccount, Circle, and Rectangle Classes)
  7. Created a proper ArrayList to house all the different printable objects.
  8. The properly prints all instances of the classes.
  9. ApplicationRunner properly utilizes the static helper method to filter the arraylist of shapes.
  10. (For 4 Extra Points) Proper implementation and usgae of the Filter interface.
  11. Proper usage of Git and GitHub (frequent commits, explanatory commit messages)